Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fun time! UPDATED

 I have pictures to post tommorow. For now I have a contest.
 Chrissa is excited about receiving something from ag.Guess what it is to win. It is NOT  clothes.

*you have to follow all my blogs ( i will check)
     - http://chrissamaxwell.blogspot.com/
*keep guessing till i get a winner

The prize is a blog makeover!
Keep in mind if you win you have to give me your acount name and password. ( you can trust me)

Post tm.

LIVE: Live for dressing your doll.
LAUGH: Laugh at their childish mistakes.
LOVE: Love your dolls and they'll love you.

1 comment:

  1. I have followed ALL of your blogs. Do you get a blog make over if you win??? Or do I have to give it to you right now???
    Lola Bean :)


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